10 Swiss MedTech startups exploring the UK ecosystem
In October 2023, our Swissnex team based at the Embassy of Switzerland in the UK co-organised with the British Embassy in Switzerland a UK mission for 10 Swiss medtech startups to London and Leeds. From attending the 2-day ABHI conference, to learning about regulations and clinical trials in the UK, the Medtech cohort had a full program combining visits to hospital, networking and pitching in front of UK-based hospitals, investors and research centers. The mission was composed by the following Swiss companies:
AiEndoscopic: Introducing AI (and robotics) to endoscopy to make those complex procedures easier, aiming for autonomy.
Aseptuva: A far-UVC plug-and-play adaptor that can be inserted onto catheters to prevent build-up of harmful germs and prevent the risk of catheter-related infections.
Bottneuro: Personalised, 3D-printed Neurostimulator/EEG device for non-invasive, multifocal brain stimulation using electrical currents.
Comphya: The first implantable neuromodulator to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) in patients non-responders to oral drugs (e.g. Viagra, Cialis).
Imito AG: Wound Management radically simplified. With imitoWound, wound and stoma documentation is done in no time, mobile and image-centered.
Leg&airy: Smart and breathable patient-specific orthopedic devices that help patients overcome neuro-orthopedic symptoms.
Oxyprem: Optical non-invasive sensors that watch over brain oxygen levels of prematurely-born children and other high-risk patients, to prevent brain injury and life-long disabilities.
PIPRA AG: An advanced pre-operative risk assessment tool that accurately evaluates a patient's risk of developing postoperative delirium (POD).
Positrigo: NeuroLF is a dedicated brain positron emission tomography system for the early detection of the hallmarks of Alzheimer's, Parkinsons, primary brain tumors, and other diseases of the brain.
Spirecut: Spirecut’s single-use medical device allows percutaneous release (no surgical incision, no scar) under sonography (imaging using ultrasounds).
“Overall, a really lucrative programme for networking. The variety of potential contacts provided across the different networking events that encompassed clinicians, regulatory affairs, clinical study managers, procurement, etc. was very helpful for an early stage start up.” – Eric Simoni, Aseptuva