SERI Deputy Director Rémy Hübschi in Singapore
Rémy Hübschi, Deputy Director of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation, visited Singapore from June 27 to 30, 2022. He attended the International Technical and Professional Education and Training (TPET) Conference, where he spoke at the invitation of the Institute of Technical Education Singapore. In his keynote address on the Swiss Vocational and Education and Training (VET) system to more than 600 participants from numerous countries, Rémy Hübschi stressed the crucial importance of recognizing both practical and academic talent. During his stay in Singapore, Hübschi, accompanied by Barbara Fontanellaz, Director of the Swiss Federal University for Vocational Education and Training (SFUVET), also held exchanges with the Ministry of Education, Singaporean Polytechnics, Swiss businesses involved in VET efforts and Singapore’s resident Swiss community. The visit reaffirmed the close relations between Singapore and Switzerland in education and research. In these areas, the two countries have maintained an in-depth dialogue at both ministerial and technical levels for years. Exchange on the VET system remains particularly intense because the Swiss dual system and its principles have inspired the state SkillsFuture Singapore initiative.