swisstech Pavilion at the first Web Summit outside of Europe
The Web Summit in Rio de Janeiro took place from May 1 to 4, 2023, bringing together 21,000+ people and companies redefining the tech industry. The Swissnex team mobilized to give the 11 participating Swiss startups an unforgettable experience and position Switzerland as an innovation destination at one of the world’s most important tech conferences.
Walking a few steps into pavilion 4 of Riocentro, the gigantic area where the spectacle happened, you could see the letters “swisstech” in vibrant neon green sticking up above the other stands. Getting closer, you are met by an artistic interpretation of the Matterhorn, the four-legged robot “ANYmal” from Anybotics, the smell of coffee from Nescafé’s Dolce Gusto Neo with biodegradable capsules, and delicious Lindor chocolate from Lindt.
Over 400 connections made by Swissnex
Stepping on our 54 square meters, you were greeted by the Swissnex team, who introduced you to the world of Swiss innovation and the swisstech campaign and its ambassadors, 11 Swiss-based startups on a mission to fortify their foothold in the Brazilian market.
During the four days of the Web Summit, Swissnex designed different opportunities for startups and investors or potential clients, Brazilian industry experts, and Swiss counterparts to interact, connect, and turn synergies and conversations into genuine partnerships and projects in research, education, and innovation.
On the swisstech stage, it was a rich program with 40 speakers and 18 talks. While the first day was dedicated to introducing Swiss initiatives and opportunities in research and innovation, from the Swiss Digital Policy and the Swiss Digital Initiative (SDI) to the flagship Academia-Industry Program (AIT), the following days were aligned with the Web Summit’s most prominent focus areas of Fintech, Crypto, Cybersecurity, and Healthtech, ending the week with a focus in Future of Food.
The startups were integrated into various program parts to showcase their solutions – a pitch competition, a session about startup success stories, and participation in different thematic sessions – leaving the Web Summit with multiple connections, follow-ups with investors, and excellent visibility in the local media.
Through the swisstech pavilion, we consolidated months of “connecting the dots” within only three days, with valuable connections and partnerships facilitated on this literal platform of collaboration.
For 2024, Web Summit Rio expects over 30.000 attendees, with Latin America’s most prominent players. We are looking forward to the next edition coming soon!